About Us
West Junior High serves 68 students in grades 7 and 8 and feeds into Westmoore High School. West employs 40 certified teachers, 2 counselors and 3 administrators - providing a teacher to student ratio of 1 to 17. We also have a media specialist, a literary coach, a part-time nurse and several teacher assistants.
West Junior High is a Professional Learning Community that focuses on being a safe, friendly and academically challenging environment. We strive to prepare students for future success.
The students at West Junior High develop critical thinking and communication skills. The integration of technology through various platforms, enhances the opportunity for our students to be technologically literate. Honors courses, and a variety of elective courses are offered to encompass all academic levels.
In addition to classroom instruction, after-school activities are offered to enrich the lives of all students. Art, choir, band, sports, cheerleading, academic team, esports, and robotics club are a sampling of the opportunities offered to our students.
Please feel free to browse our site or call the office for any information needed. West Junior High is a school which endorses parent involvement, community service and faculty and student responsibility to develop the talents and abilities creating life-long learners.
Mrs. Jeni Dutton, Principal
West Jr. High
9400 S. Penn
OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405-735-4620
Fax: 405-814-3001
Counselor/Registrar Fax: 405-692-5646
Office hours: 7:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Monday through Friday
Classroom hours: 7:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m. Monday through Friday
Bell Schedule
1st Hour: begins 7:40am
6th Hour: ends 2:10pm