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Principal's Message

Dear Students, Parents, and Friends:

Welcome to Moore West Junior High, Home of the Tigers! 

Thanks for visiting our website.  The information you find here is a work in progress, just like our school.  We are constantly changing and improving, while at the same time, striving to give our WJH family the best information and service we can.  Please know your input is valuable.  Please utilize this website as a tool for connecting to our school, but let us know if there is something lacking or more to be added.  This is only one means of communication, however.  If you or your student currently attends with us, remember you also have access to Parent/Student Portal as well as Canvas and Social Media (Facebook,and Instagram) that is maintained by various organizations affiliated with WJH.  Be sure to ask a teacher, counselor, coach, or sponsor if you are seeking to use one of tools as well.

 We view our website, and other outlets, as tools for building bridges between all the people who will have to communicate and cooperate in order to help the students of West Junior High be successful. Parents, students, and friends will find a great deal of valuable information here about our classes, clubs and activities, and events.  On the Staff page, you can access every teacher’s individual class information; their canvas courses contain detailed agendas and assignments.  Sometimes, though, the answers to a unique issue are as individual as the student and can’t be addressed in a generally accessible forum. If you’re seeking answers to questions about a unique issues or situations, we encourage you to feel comfortable in contacting our teachers, counselors and administrative staff via email or phone. Your engagement with us is the best way to help us find solutions!  We can’t wait to hear from you!

 It’s an honor to serve your family and our community!

Jeni Dutton
Moore West Junior High
Moore Public Schools
Moore, Oklahoma