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Moore West Compact Page

Moore West Jr. High 

Student/Teacher/Parent Compact 


“Shaping today’s students into tomorrow’s leaders!” 

Student Agreement

It is important that I work to the best of my ability; therefore, I will strive to do the following:

·         Respect and cooperate with other students and adults

·         Own my actions – take responsibility for my actions and choices

·         Act safely and help keep my school safe

·         Attend school regularly, be on time for each class, and be “Ready to Learn” – ID and Chromebook

·         Frequently check Canvas and Portal for assignments and grades and complete all assignments

·         Complete all assignments on “Virtual” Days and communicate with teachers through Canvas

·         Be attentive, have a positive attitude, and ask for help when I need it

·         Rise to any challenge I face

Student Signature _______________________________


Parent/Guardian Agreement

I want my child to achieve; therefore, I will encourage him/her by the following:

·         Attend Parent/Teacher conferences and stay aware/active in my child’s education through Portal & Canvas

·         Review Progress/Report Cards and teach my child to frequently check Portal & Canvas

·         See that my child attends school regularly and arrives on time

·         Support the school in maintaining proper discipline, and join in shared decision-making with school staff

·         Provide a quiet, well-lit place for study, and encourage my child’s efforts by being available for questions

·         Model reading/problem-solving for my child

·         Read with and to my child, and ensure they have a free Public Library Card


Parent Signature __________________________________


Teacher Agreement

It is important that every student achieves; therefore, I will strive to do the following:

·         Respect the students I serve and own my actions

·         Act safely - provide a safe and supportive learning environment

·         Teach students to become active participants in the learning process

·         Encourage students and parents by providing information regarding student progress

·         Provide additional remediation as needed

·         Provide necessary assistance to parents to support student success

·         Rise to any challenge I face


Teacher’s Signature _______________________________


Principal Agreement

I support this form of parent involvement; therefore, I will strive to do the following:

·         Respect the students I serve and own my actions

·         Provide a setting that allows for positive communication among teachers, parents, and students

·         Act safely - provide a safe school climate for learning

·         Encourage students and parents by providing information regarding school progress

·         Provide necessary information/assistance to parents/guardians to support student success

·         Rise to any challenge I face


Principal’s Signature ______________________________